Saturday, December 14, 2019

Hela Bodu Piyuma -- A Dhamma University in black and white

Hela Bodu Piyuma -- A Dhamma University in black and white. 


Hela Bodu Piyuma a monthly Buddhist magazine based on hidden dhamma and esoteric aspects  disclosed by Ven. Waharaka Abhayarathalankara Thero, completed 100th mark in December, 2019 since its inception in 2011.

Edited by Mr. Chandana Siriwardana, a gifted writer, poet and an Attorney at Law, the articles written in verbal style, cover aspects of pure dhamma, guidelines for meditation, snippets from the Noble Tripitaka and their references and life experiences of Waharaka Thero, some of which were connected to his lay life as a spiritual guru and healer.

As such magazine also carried invaluable gems about various medical miracles done by Waharaka Thero in healing the sick and shared secret recipes of those remedies for anybody to try out personally.

The magazine typically consisted of 32 pages and it was made available for public at just Rs. 25 thanks to generous donations of its ardent followers world over. Its price tag, a few rupees below the cost of production was maintained to make it accessible to all levels of the public.

Afterall the Kaseebharadwaja Sutta illuminate how one should not misuse the Noble dhamma personal gains. With a sharp third-eye seeing the spirit world including heavenly beings and those in hellish tormets Waharaka Thero has often warned against misuing the Buddhists Triple Gem for cheap gains.

Although suttas such the one mentioned above are commonly preached nowadays, its fundamental message seemed to have eluded many, as we see dhamma publications priced dearly in most establishments.

15,000 copies are brought out per Hela Bodu Piyuma issue and its circulation at present is easily over 10,000.

You can obtain the magazine from the following shops including back copies.

-- Amila Salgadu

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මාතා යථා නියං පුත්තං ආයුසා ඒකපුත්තමනුරක්ඛේ විභංගය

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